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TechCelerator program offers up to $10,000 for tech-business ideas
December 18, 2019
DuBOIS, Pa. — Partnering with the North Central PA LaunchBox, Ben Franklin’s TechCelerator @DuBois, is inviting emerging entrepreneurs, students, professors, small businesses, and the general public from across the region to apply to the next 10-week Business Startup Boot Camp. The weekly sessions will run from 10 a.m to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning Jan. 15 until March 19, 2020, at the North Central PA LaunchBox (Old Deposit Bank Building), located at 2 E. Long Ave., Suite 120, in DuBois. Coaching sessions will follow.
Business mentoring from Ben Franklin’s Transformation Business Services Network and Clarion University’s Small Business Development Center will also be available free of charge.
In the past eight years more than 200 teams have graduated from Ben Franklin’s TechCelerator Startup Boot Camps. Many of these teams turned their ideas into successful tech startups.
A graduation “pitch” event will enable the winning team to receive up to $10,000 in seed funding to help get their business from Startup to UP and running!
During the 10 weeks, up to $1,000 in reimbursement towards customer discovery and prototyping is provided. In addition, Invent Penn State’s I-Corps Site status enables eligible, University-related startup teams to receive up to an additional $3,000 for customer discovery.
The deadline for applications is Jan. 3, 2020. Go to to apply.
For more information, contact John Siggins at 814-865-2879.